Thursday, February 04, 2010

A Good Hair Day

A couple of weeks ago, Dr Pop and I decided that it had been long enough, and that Vegas missed us quite a bit. So we went. We had a great time, too. We gambled, we drank adult beverages, we shopped (check out my new purple platforms in the picture!), and we ate a fabulous meal at Delmonico's.
But the crowning achievement of this trip was not the gambling. It was not winning a pile of cash. It was not the room (OMG, LOVE THEhotel at Madalay Bay!). It was definitely not the 7+ hours sitting in the sports book on "NFL Championship Weekend" (It never occurred to me to leave Dr Pop and go pull on some slot machines or shop). It was not trying and loving a new restaurant. Oh no. Because even though this trip was so much fun and super-fabulous, there was one thing that I could not shut up about from Saturday on... In fact, I still cannot shut up about it. So much so, that I went out and bought a new hair dryer when I got home.
The crowning achievement during that trip was my hair.
I'm not known for having good hair days. Usually my hair looks frazzled, frizzy, damaged, and shows an inappropriate length of dark roots. Hey, I've abused my hair over my lifetime. It's getting better, but I live in a humid climate and I like sleep more than primping, so my hair gets short shrift in the mornings.
On Saturday in Vegas, though, I achieved perfect hair all by myself, armed with nothing more than the hair dryer supplied by the hotel (THEhotel) and a round brush.
I made Dr Pop take pictures so I would have proof. I did it!
It's the little things...
And though I have not been able to recreate it 100% since we got back, with my new hair dryer, I've come pretty darn close!

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