Friday, February 20, 2009

What I've Been Up To...

HI! I have been a bad little blogger in 2009 and I don't see it getting better any time soon.

But February is my blogiversary month and I feel that I need to stop and think about that and acknowlege that I have been a part of the blogosphere for four years now. Wow. When I started blogging I had a toddler and was a Realtor (but mainly a stay at home mom) and I was going through a personal crisis.

Now? I have been at the same job for almost 4 years, my son is 5, and after much soul searching and harping, there is no crisis in my life. Sort of. I'm no longer depressed. So that's a victory!

Every now and then, I'll pick a month out of my archives and start reading. It's crazy to look back over such a short period of time and know how much I've changed. And how much my life has changed.

I like blogging and I think I will continue to do it in some form or fashion for a long time to come. Right now, I'm neck deep in a facebook obsession, though, so the ole blog has suffered. There isn't enough time in my day for both! ;)

In addition to my "blogiversary" month, this is my birthday month. In a few days I will be 35. I think that is hitting me kind of hard. I feel old. I look at pictures that were taken a few years ago and I see the changes in my face. I also realize that I am my own worst critic!

February has been an extremely busy and stressful month. It started off with work stress and while the stress at the job has lessened to some extent, there are some other things there that make for a busy work day. I take so many things personally, that if anyone is unhappy with the product I sell, I feel it internally. It is definitely a fault of mine. But it also makes me incredibly good at what I do (recent results notwithstanding!).

We signed Boy Pop up for Tae Kwon Do and Spring Competitive T-Ball. What were we thinking?!?! It's been busy and hectic to try to get all of the activities in, but what a blessing TKD has been! He's already preparing to test for a new belt level! And we are definitely excited about a t-ball league that has more games, more practice, and more competition. They will keep score. My son will learn what it feels like to win. And (possibly more importantly) he will also learn what it feels like to lose.

Oh! I almost forgot to mention this! Dr Pop was the top sales person in his division at his company last year. As a reward, he and I are headed to Las Vegas this weekend courtesy of his company. We are so excited and I could not be more proud of my husband. He works very hard and deserves to be recognized for his success. He has grown his business by leaps and bounds.

We get back Tuesday evening and are in town for two days and then we will be headed down to Mexico. We are going to stay at the resort where we were married 6 years ago and will be there for my birthday and our anniversary. The day after our anniversary, we will attend the wedding of two of our friends. It's going to be a good week. I've been killing myself trying to get into swimsuit shape three months early! I'm not there, but I've stopped really caring. I look pretty good. Not as good as years past, but still! I'm a hot mama! ;)

Even though I have written a novel, no good post of mine would be complete without a crisis. At the very first t-ball meeting of the season, the one where the parents and kids and coaches all met, Boy Pop and the other kids were roughousing. Boy Pop was pushed off a 3.5 foot high ledge and turned his ankle. He cried a little, but was up and running around within minutes. We didn't really give it much more thought. He didn't complain of pain and didn't behave in any way but normal.

See where this is going?

Yesterday, he started limping. And as the day progressed, the limp got worse. We went to TKD and he had to jump on one leg. He couldn't jump on his left leg. We rushed to t-ball practice and watched him run with a limp. We called Dr Pop's dad (a doctor). He told us to get an x-ray in the morning.

This morning came and I took him to the doctor. Diagnosis? A subtle fracture in the growth plate of his ankle.

We headed to the podiatrist and he reviewed the x-ray film. He said it might be a fracture, but it might not be. At the very least, he had a bad sprain and tendon damage. He recommended a hard cast. The good news is that it will only be on for two weeks. He is not in pain. He can walk on the cast and doesn't have to try to negotiate crutches. He has handled everything like a pro.

The bad news? It happened right before we leave for the better part of two weeks. My parents are not thrilled that he will have to be in a cast the whole time as it pretty much ruins their plans of bike rides and other activity that involves running and exertion of lots of energy.

At least his cast is cool! Orange with a glow-in-the-dark stripe!
When does it get easy?
*Oh, one last thing... I'm sitting here writing this on my laptop while my defensive driving course, the one I've had 90 days to take, the one that is due March 2nd (while I'm in Mexico) is playing on the home computer right next to it! I'm bad. But I do perform best under pressure.

1 comment:

Binary Blonde said...

Wow.. First, congrats on the blogiversary and birthday!!! I turn 30 this year myself (in Sept.) and am FREAKING OUT about that. So, I can empathize with you about the age thing. However, you look GREAT and I would never guess you were 35. :)

As for Boy Pop... Poor thing! I hope he heals fast and is back to normal soon. Though, I wonder, is that how it's going to be with a boy? Cripes!

Enjoy your vacations! Wow, Vegas and Mexico? Lucky girl! :D