Friday, July 11, 2008

Bonus Friday Confession

I have two today... Lucky you...

I spend way too much time dwelling on the people who have wronged me, waiting for them to get their bite in the ass from Karma. It never comes. Usually, while I'm obsessing about that, something else bad happens in my life or I get bitten in the ass instead.

Perhaps it's time for a strategy change, but damn! I'm sick and tired of good and wonderful things happening to bad people!!! Especially when I see the good ones struggle.


Binary Blonde said...

I used to dwell on that same thing, but realized that if I just focused on helping good things happen to good people, then that's what I would manifest more and more of.

It's totally hippie, but I'm a much happier person because I stopped dwelling on why the bad people didn't get their deserved karma. Though.. I now tend to think that it just comes when I'm not looking. ;)

Sue Doe-Nim said...

I just tell them all to fuck off. Then I hope and pray that Mr. Nim can resurrect our failed relationships.

Works for us...

Mrs Pop said...

You two have totally made my day with your comments...

For what it's worth, I was never considering changing the blog to fiction, just writing fiction... For profit...

But I am considering shuttin' this sumbitch down... Maybe.