Friday, November 09, 2007


So, I'll go ahead and state the obvious right now, so no one else has to do so...

I should be working right now.

Instead, I'm trying to leave a comment on Sue's blog and just found out that my company has started blocking haloscan. Sorry Sue. It flustered me so much that I now forgot what I was going to say!

I've been working to try to get some decent updates on the ole fashion blog. It is the holiday season, after all. I know that there is a lot of interest out there for my opinion on what to buy. (No. Not really.)

Hey Sue! My dad made his delivery...

I need a vacation and I'll get one in 6 days, 8 hours and 2 minutes.

Sometimes, you just have to feel lucky that it is Friday and that another week is over... Next week should be more upbeat.


Anonymous said...

Clearly it's time to quit that stinkin' job.

Mrs Pop said...

It's getting better... ;-)

But this particular position? Yeah, it's time.