Tuesday, November 06, 2007

In approximately nine and one half days, I'll be getting ten (count 'em, T.E.N.) whole days off of work. For those of you who don't feel like adding, I'll be on vacation during Thanksgiving week.

I am a big fan of vacations. My husband and I love to travel and we really tried to get a trip put together to go skiing that week, but sadly, not much is open yet that early. We may try to book a Vegas weekend last-minute, but if we can't? Well, that's okay. You know why? Because my second favorite thing to do with time off is stay home. I love having my days free to do whatever I want. I don't get that very often.

I always make elaborate plans for time spent at home, though. That is my problem. I create long lists of things to accomplish (those things that never seem to get done and always add up).

Here's my list for those ten days thus far:
1) Knock out the Christmas shopping.
2) Prepare Thanksgiving Dinner for between 10 and 12 people.
3) Host Thanksgiving.
4) Spend a little time with my parents and grandmother.
5) Go through Boy Pop's toys and put together a donation box.
6) Go through Boy Pop's old jackets and coats to give to Coats for Kids.
7) Go through Boy Pop's clothes and put together a donation box.
8) Go through cabinets, drawers, closets, dressers, office, etc. and what? Put together a donation box.
9) Schedule movers to move ginormous, monster TV from upstairs to downstairs and then give it away.
10) Set up new playroom area in upstairs living room.
11) Schedule cable and phone companies to come and wire current playroom so that it can become an office.
12) Pull down Christmas decorations and put up tree, decorate house.
13) Box up books to send to storage (or give away).
14) Go to storage building and decide what to do with stuff there.
15) Get a manicure and pedicure.
16) Return duplicate birthday gifts that Boy Pop received and get credits for respective stores.

Yep. Long list and I'm not done yet...

I get it, though. I may not accomplish anything but items 1 - 4 on the list and if that is all that happens, well, I'll be thankful and count myself fully blessed. I do want to clean things out and reorganize everything because I do feel better in an organized, clean, neat atmosphere. Or maybe it's the control issue rearing it's ugly head again. Meh. Who really cares?

I'm really just lucky that I didn't use up all of my vacation time, that I asked early enough, and that I get an extended period of time to remember what it was like to stay at home.

And now for a tee-ball update! With pictures!

Posing before the first game...

Some things are more interesting than the game... Like that bug, for instance...

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