Sunday, October 07, 2007

Getting Crafty

I wrote earlier about how I wanted to do more fun crafts with my son. These pumpkin spiders from Parents magazine looked to me like just the thing.

So I got all excited, went out and bought mini-pumpkins, black acrylic paint, paint brushes, googly eyes, pipe cleaners, and glue, and told the Boy that we were going to make spiders!

I forgot one key thing about this project, though... Four year olds are messy and impatient. What follows is what happened over the next week...

Ready to go with all the supplies...

Painting the first coat...

In trouble for touching everything in sight while having paint all over his hands...

Letting the first coat dry... (It took three to four coats in all)

Attaching the eyes...


I ended up finishing the spiders on my own as the boy got bored with them (he was mainly interested in the leftover googly eyes and the painting anyway). What I learned from this is very important, though...

  1. I can actually do these little projects.
  2. So can the boy.
  3. We have fun with them.
  4. We found other ideas that look like fun, too.

Better late than never...


zuzula said...

oh wow he's such a cutie!

and well done with the spiders too :)

jenny said...

oh fun! they turned out great! i see many of these types of projects in my future.

Jenni said...

Cute spiders! What a great idea!