Thursday, June 16, 2005

Little Things

Robert Earl Keen wrote a song called "Little Things." The chorus went something like... "It's the little things, the itty-bitty things, it's the little things that... PISS ME OFF!" I can relate.

I've been thinking about the "little things" a lot lately. Little things have been getting on my nerves in a big way and it seems my temper is barely under control. Something I read recently, though, has helped change my attitude somewhat, although I'm still struggling. "When you feel the least amount of gratitude is usually the time you most need it." So I thought I'd make a little list of the things I'm thankful for and remember these when my patience is wearing too thin.

I am thankful for:
My son
My husband
Having a husband who works hard to support our family
My job
My home
The neighborhood swimming pool
My friends
The fact that my husband is a good, loving, and caring father
The look on my son's face when his daddy catches him in the pool
The fact that most of my clothes are too big
The fact that I have clothes
The fact that I have lots of pretty shoes
My extended family
The food in the freezer
The view from my back porch
All the pictures my son draws each day
A big comfy bed to sleep in at night
Being able to pay bills from my own paycheck
A full pantry
Clean sheets
My new cell phone that takes pictures and videos
My mom and dad
My mother and father-in-law
Being able to trust babysitters
Having the resources to go out on "dates" with my husband
Getting to go on a real vacation
Playa del Carmen
Living in Texas
My education
Being able to eat three meals a day
The lakes in Central Texas
Friends with boats
My hairdresser
My esthetician
Having health insurance
Having a healthy husband and child
Being healthy myself

It turns out that I have so many reasons to be happy and grateful. I love my life!

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