Thursday, April 10, 2008

I only have one thing to say...

For a change...

I have spent WAY too much time at the emergency room recently...

And ER doctors seem to have terrible bedside manners...

Especially with freaked out FOUR YEAR OLDS!

Everything will be fine thanks to the absolutely wonderful plastic surgeon who was on call last night, though.

Edited to add: A child was running and fell/pushed Boy Pop from behind, straight into a wooden table/chair. Split his lip completely open and nearly knocked his tooth out. He's fine, just a little worn out and sore. I, on the other hand, after holding my shit together to calmly and gently tell the ER doc that there was no way he could convince me to allow him to come near my son's face with stitches, to call the school and insist our out of pocket expenses be paid, to follow-up with a dentist to learn the signs of an infection in his tooth, well, I'm fucking beat up and worn down.

But we built a ton of Lego structures today.

Edit #2: NEVER tell a mother and her four year old, who is freaked out, that you will need to STRAP. HIM. DOWN. if he cannot control himself.


Sue Doe-Nim said...

Oh man.


Reminds me to blog about our last trip to the ER.

It was oddly funny.

emily said...

what happened?

Mrs Pop said...

I fucking hate the ER.

I hate the rude, asshole doctor who sneered at me condescendingly when I asked for the plastic surgeon on call to come do the work.

My mother in law has re-told the story of my tone of voice and how calmly I stated my position and put the asshole in his place several times. I was calm on the outside, but on the inside, I wanted to throw my purse at him. It's a big purse.

Unknown said...

Hugs & kisses to Boy Pop. How terrible.

Violet said...

Oh my gosh!! Re: the doctor - what an ass! You poor thing. How stressful! You crack me up, speaking softly and carrying a big purse. :) I hope karma brings you a peaceful rest of April.