Monday, December 10, 2007


I'm going to let you in on a little something about myself... Are you ready? I'm an extremely judgmental person. There. I said it.

Now. Before you tilt up your nose and dismiss me as a terrible person for not following the old Biblical rule of, "Judge and ye shall be judged," you need to realize that you are now judging me. Yep. We're all judgmental! What I do not understand is why that is deemed such a terrible thing?

Who am I to condemn bad/evil behavior when I witness it, you ask? Well I say, who are you to not condemn it? The world has become overrun with people trying so hard to not offend that we are overlooking messed up things. And then we wonder silently among ourselves about the state of the world today. I say, "SPEAK UP!"

If more people were judgmental and actually spoke up against bad behavior, maybe the world would be a slightly better place.

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