Thursday, May 24, 2007

Life, Among Other Things

I have been horribly, terribly absent from blogging lately. Don’t worry, I still have an opinion on just about everything, but I have not had even a nanosecond to put my jumble of thoughts into any form of coherence.

I’m focusing more on my family and work, these days, with my free time being spent in new ways… Now that spring/summer is here, we have baseball games (the Houston Astros’ AAA team plays in Round Rock and The University of Texas is right down the road), the neighborhood pool just opened, I’m exercising more, and trying to NOT be on the computer that much when I’m at home.

The past year for the Pop family has been crazy-busy and stressful, but if you asked me how I am doing, I can honestly say, “Never better.” Tomorrow, Dr Pop and I are headed to Mexico for a much-needed vacation, while Boy Pop will be enjoying much-desired Nana, GrandDad, and Mema time. I will miss my boy terribly, but I am a firm believer in “couple” time. Dr Pop and I need to get away together.

Once I get back, I’ll try to start posting a little more frequently. I promise.

For now, I’ll leave you with a final thought or two…

Because of my new plan of eating right and exercising, I have reached (almost!) my goals and have maintained them for several weeks now. All that will go out the window tomorrow as I begin a week of total gorging, starting with lunch upon our arrival to our resort. I’m having pepperoni pizza and French fries. And a 52oz Bubba Keg filled with something alcoholic.

Have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day weekend, don’t drink and drive, make sure that if you’re on a lake somewhere that you watch out for each other. Be safe. And if you happen to be in Playa del Carmen this week, I’ll be the drunk one.

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