Tuesday, January 16, 2007

It's Snowing!!!!

We NEVER get snow. The Pops are all cozy and inside, with normal service suspended for a while. My company is closed and I'm working remotely, Little Pop's school is closed, and Dr Pop is working on his email right now.

I love snow. I love being in snow. I love watching it fall outside.

I may have written about it before, but do you know those moments? Those perfect little moments that you can actually recognize as perfect right as they are happening that you never want to end because of their sheer beauty and perfection? Well, one of mine happened during a snowstorm.

February 14, 2004... 3AM... Little Pop had been sleeping through the night for about a week... For some reason, he woke up hungry. I was so cranky and tired. But I fed him, changed him, and put him back to bed. As I was getting ready to go back to bed myself, I thought that it was extra-quiet outside. I took a look. Then I put on my coat and stepped outside and onto the porch. What I saw took my breath away. Gorgeous and huge snowflakes were coming down. The sky was this pinky-purple color and everything had that haze. All up and down the golf course, there was nothing but a glowing white blanket.

It was silent. It was peaceful. It was as though I was the only person in the world at that moment.

Valentine's Day, 2004, dawned crisp, cold, and white. The dog lost his mind running around. Little Pop giggled and laughed while being carried on Dr Pop's shoulders. We took lots and lots of pictures. That moment at 3AM, and that morning and day? They were perfection.

So today started out ice-coated. About 30 minutes ago, thick, heavy snowflakes began drifting down to the ground. Little Pop is thrilled at the possibility of building a snow man (there won't be enough for that, unfortunately). I'm thrilled by so many things... Watching the excitement in my son's eyes, making that big pot of baked potato soup, and most especially, I'm looking forward to snuggling with my husband under a blanket at the end of this cold, cold day.

If you're in Central Texas or are experiencing winter storms today, please be safe. Stay inside and count your blessings. I know I will.

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