Friday, December 22, 2006

Disappearing Act and Other Deep Thoughts...

If you are a regular reader and/or commenter, you may have noticed that some of my posts have gone bye-bye… There’s a very good reason for that… MrsPop is going Feng Shui. I’m working on “clearing the clutter” and “increasing the flow of my chi” by removing some of the negative energy and shit around here.

This blog was supposed to be a running commentary/journal on my life. Sometimes, that includes the bad stuff. Sometimes it means that I must show myself in my true light, warts and all. Unfortunately, my ranting has become the focus of my writing and I don’t like it. When I type a post, I have the choice of clicking one of two buttons: Publish or Save as Draft. I really ought to use the save button more frequently.

Writing is therapeutic for me. When the day to day annoyances get to be too much, I just let my grievances spill forth from my fingertips and out into cyberspace. Trust me, it’s much better than some of the alternatives I’ve come up with in my mind. Perhaps I should take up kickboxing. That may work. ;-)

Unfortunately, my rants can be misconstrued. Somewhere along this road, I have begun focusing on all of the bad and none of the good. I am not this negative person that I sometimes appear to be online. I have been known to fly off the handle on occasion (more recently these days) and writing about it helps me to inject some humor. Think “What I should have said theater” from Saved By The Bell.

In reality, what I *should* do is not focus on all of the tiny little annoyances throughout the day… When I spilled my salad all over the stairs, I should have focused on those who did try to help instead of the ones who stared and rolled their eyes (YES. There was, indeed, eye-rolling directed at me!). When something pisses me off, I need to just take a deep breath and realize that I am allowing others to control my moods. And that’s just silly.

So, if I do nothing else in the coming year, I will turn this place (and myself) into a more positive and enjoyable thing. MORE humor. LESS ranting. I may even bring in a nice, big, leafy green plant or two. Maybe try a new design. Who knows? For now, I’m going to finish my day here at work, then go home, mix up a batch of a holiday-themed drink (pomegranate martinis, perhaps?) and toast the end of a very nice year as Dr Pop and I finish last-minute Christmas preparations.

Happy Holidays to everyone out there. MrsPop 2.0 is on its way!

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