Monday, August 28, 2006

What To Wear???

After countless “attempts” to purchase some “going out” clothes, I am still woefully lacking in the dress-up department. Okay, let’s face it. I’m woefully lacking in any clothing department that doesn’t include jeans, white t-shirts, khaki Capri pants, and plain sweaters. What I do have tends to be on the more casual/frumpy/aging junior leaguer side of things. I don’t quite know when it happened, but I feel that I’m no longer hip. I’m no longer chic. Okay, perhaps I was neither hip nor chic in my life, but fashion trends in the late 80’s and early 90’s were also quite a bit less sluttish (at least, I don’t remember skirts that were so high that a bikini wax was required, nor do I remember people wearing said skirts with 4 inch heels unless they were dressing up as prostitutes or Madonna for Halloween).

So last summer, I went out and bought a couple of short, short skirts, thinking that I’d start to be trendy and sexy. After all, I thought, I still have the legs for them and who knows how long that will last, right? Yeah, right. I only wear them to the lake and to Mexico. And two of the skirts still have the tags on them!!!

And now I’m going to Vegas and I HAVE NOTHING TO WEAR!!! What am I going to do? I leave in four days and I still need to find those perfect little outfits that aren’t too high on the slut factor (I’m a mother, after all), but still show a little skin and are sexy and fun. I also want to jazz up/professionalize my work wardrobe. The shoes? I’ve got those down. It’s from the ankle up that has me concerned.

Can anyone spare the time to become my personal shopper for a couple of days? PLEASE???

FYI, Dr Pop, don’t think I don’t know that at the moment you get to this point, you are rolling your eyes, shaking your head, and saying to yourself, “she has PLENTY of clothes!” ;-)

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