Monday, October 02, 2017

Two Posts in One Day!

I vowed after the last neighborhood garage sale I joined that I would prefer to donate my stuff to charity before ever again trying to sell my stuff to greedy thieves...

That being said, I just found out that our next neighborhood garage sale is THIS Saturday. I have recently become overwhelmed by the amount of junk in our home. We moved into a much larger house almost three and a half years ago and have filled every single nook and cranny with so much junk that I can't take it anymore.

Every day, I try to find a few things I can toss out or donate. Every single day. And Every single day, I open cabinets or drawers and want to cry with the mess.

I have found that when the space around me is tidy and neat (and I don't mean hiding behind doors), I am a much calmer and happier individual. Therefore, I have just decreed to my husband that this year, we WILL participate. Now I need to find the time to get cracking and clearing out.

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