Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Well Hello There!

I suppose I've abandoned my blog. One of these days, I'll get back into it, I swear! In the meantime, I've just been spending time with these handsome fellas:

School starts two weeks from today. I will officially have a first grader (OMG!). Our summer has been a non-stop whirlwind of camp (for the boy), work (for the parents), the lake, Mexico, hanging out with friends, and enjoying every moment that we have. There hasn't been a spare moment to put a coherent thought to print.

On a not-so-interesting side note, we managed to purchase all of the school supplies in one evening at three different stores. Considering the random supplies asked for, and in non-standard colors, I call this a success!

1 comment:

Amy Plum said...

Hi "Mrs Pop"! I would be happy to include you on the closed blog, but will need your email address. All the best, Amy from Chitlins