Sunday, February 03, 2008


Feeling thoughtful this Sunday night...

I am big into my comfort zone. I keep my friends close and few. I find a rhythym that works and stick to it. I hit a zone in my work and if it works, I go with it.

I generally don't like rejection. No matter the reason, I don't like it. Even if it doesn't have to do with ME per se, but instead the other individual or organization, I actually hate it. I take it very personally. And I need detailed explanations as to why I'm not the right fit at that point in time.

That's why I dislike change. And why I sit in a career I don't feel passionate about. It's comfortable the way it is. And if I put myself out there and get dismissed, well, it wounds me a little.

I've been this way my entire life. Wanting to please everyone in fear of rejection. And that's why I don't like taking certain chances. The ones where I know I'll be turned down. So when it inevitably happens, I feel like a dumbass.

Not that I've been rejected or anything, I'm just sayin...

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