Sunday, October 28, 2007

Not Dead Yet

One of these days, namely starting November 1, I'll be updating regularly. This weekend has been tee-ball-centric, with a game on Saurday and one today. I have to agree with Sue Doe Nim, when she says If you can't have fun with 10 kids and a ball you should seek inpatient counselling.

I have perfection issues. And maybe some control issues. I have this thing about being on time. I was raised that I was always supposed to be on time. Being late was almost like a sin in my house. I was raised that if we committed to an hour of arrival, we damn well better get there by that time if not early. So here I am today, finding myself getting furious when people cannot manage to get their children to a freaking game by the time the game is supposed to start. Today, the game was to start at 1. We were supposed to get there at 12:30 to re-take the pictures. At 1:15, no photographer had arrived and we hadn't started playing yet. I felt my blood pressure rise. I can't help it. It really pisses me off because it's a respect issue in my book.

I really ought to let it go. But I can't seem to do so. And the games and practices are so much fun, too! I have a jillion pictures to upload from just a few weeks of practice and games.

I don't know the point of all of this. But I do feel better. I cannot control other people as much as I may want to. Oh well. I will say this, though. I will always strive to be ON TIME. I will not allow someone accusing me of disrespect in that manner.

And to the mommy of the little boy who head-butted me with his helmet and then punched my leg? BITE ME. You are not a good mommy. If you got off your ass and actually participated (like we are all asked to do), maybe your child wouldn't be such a bully.

As a side note, Dr Pop just asked me if I'd like to go shopping this afternoon, his treat. And I really don't feel like it. What is WRONG with me???

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