Thursday, August 23, 2007


Lately, I've been very unfocused. I've spent my energy thinking about other people, and not so much time working on the things that I need and want to do. I worked out this long, drawn-out list of New Year's resolutions at the start of the year, then somehow lost track of the things that I made my mind up to do. The laundry list is here, and I'm not really going to go through them one by one.

*I haven't done a great job with my spending and saving, but there are some really good reasons for that... It's been a tough year, sales-wise, for me. Things are turning around, though, so I'm going to redouble my efforts and be very responsible with my money (says the girl who just went on a shopping spree... I totally needed the clothes, though, you have NO idea!).

*I am going to clean out the clutter in my home and completely reorganize things by the end of the year.

*I'm going to continue to have more fun with my husband and son... I think this is the area where I've had the most success... And I'm going to continue to kiss and hug both of them as much as possible.

*I'm going to redouble my efforts with regards to my health. I will eat right, exercise, cook healthy dinners, and deny the siren song of the work vending machine. I will dust off Turbo Jam and my running shoes and work out as much as possible. I will regain my rock-hard body and I will maintain it.

*I will actually take the time to figure out what I want to do with my career and with my creativity and I will move forward with both. No one is going to take charge of my life. That is up to me.

*And a new one, not on the list before... I will make an effort to look nice and dress well every day. I will step outside my comfort zone of jeans, khakis, and t-shirts and will dress up more.

Sometimes I feel as though I talk a good game, but can't get off my butt and really do what needs to be done. I've actually been feeling more and more like that. All hat and no cattle, if you will.

But today's the day. Refocus, redouble my efforts, be the best mommy and wife I can be to the two most important boys in my life.

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