Thursday, November 09, 2006

In which I am all sunshine and roses once again...

No more politics for a while, okay? But I will be watching...
Halloween was fun (even though I wasn't feeling my best and was exhausted!). We ended up trick-or-treating with a group of our neighbors. I wondered who'd be passing out all the candy since we were all out, but it seems that the thing to do is to leave a big bowl of candy on the front porch. We had done that, but mainly to encourage greedy kids to empty it. Alas! We still have way too much candy left... STILL!
I love dressing up for Halloween, but I've really not done so in recent years (there was a Marilyn Monroe costume debacle in college that really put me off costumes in general, if you must know). This year, Dr Pop went to the store to pick out some last-minute Halloween stuff while I was at work and came home with a feathered witch hat for me (YAY!) and a mullet wig, camo pants, Bubba teeth, and Dukes of Hazzard t-shirt for himself. A little eyeliner between his eyes and around mine, add a little black dress, and we were ready to roll. We were some of the only parents dressed up, and it was so much fun! I highly recommend it to anyone.
This was Little Pop's first foray into the wild world of group trick-or-treating, too. The previous two years had just consisted of the three of us, a stroller, and a video camera. What a treat (no pun intended) this year was for all of us. After a few initial bumps, Little Pop led the way from house to house. He had a blast, got tons of candy, and we came home completely wiped out. All-in-all, it was a great night!
So here's the happy family ready to go out for the night. Dr Pop should have been carrying the Bubbakeg, since he was dressed as a "bubba" but somehow I ended up with it.

My wild Spiderman! He needs more candy to sustain his energy levels!

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